Wednesday, February 4, 2009



Tourism is a vital and essential contributor to the revenue needs of St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Our Ministry of Tourism has been launching local and international marketing programs throughout the year to focus attention on this jewel of the Caribbean. According to statistics, results are positive. We are seeing more cruise ships and even in these very difficult economic times, and more tourists are selecting St. Vincent & the Grenadines for their vacation destination.
It’s one thing to attract tourists to our shores, but how do we encourage them to tell their colleagues and friends, and to return for subsequent visits themselves?
Last year, THE VINCENTIAN interviewed a group of Ontario, Canada retired teachers who were making their first visit to St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
THE VINCENTIAN asked them what impressions they would be taking home following their visit. They responded that apart from the beauty and interesting features and history of our island state, they were most impressed with, “The wonderful, friendly, helpful attitude of all the people they met on the island.”
We have only one opportunity to make a good first impression: Obviously we made a good first impression, because again this year, Meikle Turner, RTO Travel Chair has returned with 22 teachers, seven of whom were here last year.
THE VINCENTIAN again interviewed Meikle and a number of his group. At the time of our interviews, the group had been on the island for one week of their two week stay. Without exception, each member said:
· The programs arranged by our leader and Kim Halbich, owner along with her husband Earl of Villa’s Paradise Beach Hotel were interesting and introduced us to the people, history and culture of the island.
· Virtually every Vincentian we met was a goodwill ambassador; friendly , helpful and welcoming.
· Unlike other islands St. Vincent offers us a total vacation experience, where we are not segregated behind gated resorts, being warned against visiting outside areas on our own.
· Never for a moment did we have any concerns about our personal safety.
· Nowhere was the interactive friendliness shown more than by the staff at Paradise Beach Hotel.
During last Friday’s Barbecue night, Paradise cook, Eulinia Evans, from Bellaire, not only produced excellent food, but led the teachers in a Congo line dance to a Harmony String Band calypso tune.
These are just some of the things that make vacation experiences memorable and never to be forgotten; that places St. Vincent & the Grenadines head and shoulders over other vacation destinations.

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